Sunday, 23 November 2014

Special-The Power In The Blood Of Jesus

THE blood of Jesus is so powerful and efficacious in purifying and helping believers to remain clean from every form of undeanliness that might stand as hinderance to their God given potentials and Godly inheritance that has been made available to them.

This blood is directly from the sacrifice of the son of God (Jesus) through his death on the cross at calvary.
That was why he concluded that his mission has been accomplished. The power in the blood of Jesus is able to save sinners from sin if only they can acknowledge the fact that God is able to save him or her and sincerely confess their sin(s) to God. He is always ready and willing to forgive and restore sinners and backsliders to the himself.

Many Christians today can testify to the power and the authority in the name of Jesus. The power that resides in his blood has delivered many from adversities and forces that wanted to confront them both physically spiritually and in every sphere of human existence.

No wonder, the word of God assures us that we overcame through the blood of the lamb and through the word of our testimony. Testimony therefore has to do with Christian expression of thanksgiving, praise and adoration of what He has done for us. Anyone who is of the habit of praising God for his provision, protection love mercy faithfulness and the host of others will always bring down the powers and the presence of God to come and rain in such an individual’s life.

In addition, the blood of Jesus is that which sets us free from sorrow and whatever life challenges that might bring to us. Blood is throughout scripture, but what does Christ’s blood mean to us?
The blood of Jesus redeems us from the debt we were suppose to pay. There was a price against us that we could not pay but the blood of Jesus redeemed us. St Peter 1:18-19 says, “for you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect”.

His blood brings us into fellowship with God. According to Ephesians 2:13. “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ”. Without the blood of Christ, man is a long way from God.

His blood makes peace with man. Man by nature, is at war with God, and we can only come to God on his peace terms the blood atonement. The Bible says in colossans 1:20, “and, having made peace through the blood of his cross by him to reconcile all things unto himself”.

The blood of Jesus also cleanses. Not only does it remove the punishment of sin, it removes the pollution. I don’t care what sin you’ve committed, the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7).

His blood gives power over the devil. It’s blood that Satan fears. Revelation 12:11 says, “And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the lamb… “The devil dosen’t want you to learn about the blood. He hates it!.

Before this planet was ever swung into space, God had determined in his heart that he would send his son to die upon the cross how wonderful it is to trace the scarlet thread of the blood of Christ woven throughout the Bible! How much more wonderful to experience its redemption personally praise God for the blood of his lamb!.

Thus, to further expatriate on the effectiveness and power on the name of Jesus, an Evangelist Frank Viola emphasised things the blood of Jesus does it was drawn from the book entitled. Jesus now unveiling the present day Ministry of Christ.

Here are the things the blood of Jesus does for mankind.

It remits sin (Matthew 26:28) from this frank viola was trying to empasise that Jesus died purposely to save us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness stressing that when the blood of Jesus is pleaded upon a man’s life for his sinful act, he becomes whole and free.

It gives life to those who consume it (John 6:53) many who have had their lives lost in the hands of the devil has or finds it back through their reconciliatory action which involves self acknowledgement of wrong done and readiness as well as sincerity of heart to make a change through deep reflection and confession of surtender to God.

It causes us to dwell in Christ and He in us (John 6:56) the Bible also declares that greater is He that is in thee than he that is no the world meaning that Jesus in the life of man is a big difference as he is always shielded from all forms of arrow shot at him.

It is the means by which Jesus purchased the church (Acts 20:28) Jesus himself made it clear that the Church of God must move forward and that the gate of hell could not and cannot prevail over it.

This is because, God is standing firm for the church and no matter whatever around the enemy might shoot, they will not penetrate because he is the chief security of the church.

It is the means by which Jesus become our atonement through faith (Rom 3:25). In Hebrews chapter II verse 1 the Bible posits that faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. By faith we receive atonement of the blood of Jesus and his sacrificial efforts towards his children.

This was born out of the love of the father. Having seen the distinctive and corrupt ways of men, he taught it wise that instead of destroying them, His son Jesus should died for the redemption of mankind.

The blood of Jesus justifies us and saves us from the wrath that come upon the children of disobedience, the blood of Jesus is still flowing on the cross at calvary only those that goes under the blood will benefit from it (Romans 5:9).

It brings those who were far away from God near to him (Eph 2:13) just like the prodigal son that went to a far country to lavish all that was given to him, the blood of Jesus provides the opportunity for the lost to come back through his redemptive blood as stated in Ephasians chapter 7 verse 1.

It grants us the forgiveness of sins (Col 1:14) the Bible made it very clear that as many as call upon the name of Jesus will be saved.

Through the blood of Jesus, our conscious are cleansed from dead works to some the living God (Heb 9:14) the wish of the devil for mankind to rubbish the plan of God for them therefore he lures them to carryout all forms of evil works such as immorality homosexuality, lesbianism, sodomy, incest, formation and the host of others. But thank God for Jesus who came and granted freedom from the his destructive plan for us.

Furthermore, the blood of Jesus stands as a great factor through which we enter the most holy place with boldness, his word enjoins us to come to the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy and grace to help us in time of need.

The blood of Jesus helps us to overcome the devil resolation told us that we overcome the devil through the blood of Jesus and by the words of our testimony.

Thank God for the “precious” blood of Christ that was used as sacrifice for mankind. The best anyone can do for his/ herself is to surrender to the totality of God’s standards with the totality of our own lives so that he can help us to get to our destination as well as our desired accomplishments.


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